Meet Buster!

Buster is a twenty foot electric auxiliary Hampton Boat. There’s some confusion about the name Hampton Boat. Sometimes it’s spelled Hampden. Chappelle has it both ways. Here’s the 17′ “Hampden Boat in his Boatbuilding. Ask me why I fell in love with the traditional craft of New England? Here’s (one) answer! Buster has roots inContinueContinue reading “Meet Buster!”

Another Harrier, Wilbur Larch

Wilbur Larch sailing off Port Townsend.Photo courtesy of The Doryman’s Flickr.This most recent Harrier is Andy McConkey’s Wilbur Larch.Andy got right to it and built his boat in just a few months. Wilbur Larch has a centerboard instead of the daggerboard used on Ran Tan. Note the steam bent ribs, similar to Ran Tan. This is myContinueContinue reading “Another Harrier, Wilbur Larch”