Dias Design Forum

Looking for a place to start a discussion of design and construction questions I’ve started this new site. It has the benefits of WordPress.com behind it. Easy to manage and straightforward to use. Every post, page, and project has a comment prompt. The How To section is where you can ask construction questions and findContinueContinue reading “Dias Design Forum”

Scenes at the Philadelphia Wooden Boat Factory

April, 21, 2021, In checking links on updating this site I’ve discovered that The Philadelphia Wooden Boat Factory website is down. I encourage you to check out what they are up to. The program, run by Brett Hart, hosts inner city youth, working under boatbuilding instructor, Victoria Guidi. It has been a privilege working withContinueContinue reading “Scenes at the Philadelphia Wooden Boat Factory”

Introducing the Factory One Design

The Philadelphia Wooden Boat Factory Is now building three Factory One Designs in its evening boatbuilding program in North Philadelphia. This boat was designed specifically for the Philadelphia Wooden Boat Factory’s boatbuilding program as a boat to be built by their young people during the school year and then sailed in their summer sailing programContinueContinue reading “Introducing the Factory One Design”