Boats Bring Us Together

Simple, general statements like this can so easily fall into cliché. But boats do bring us together. One way that strikes us today is in the desperate migrations of refugees escaping a ravaged and desertified North Africa and Middle East for the shores of Southern Europe. It’s eerie to see all those blocky, cheap orangeContinueContinue reading “Boats Bring Us Together”

Boats I’d Like to Design: Canoe Yawl

Photo of Rozinante Courtesy of One of the first designs I fell in love with was L. Francis Herresshoff’s Rozinante.There was one being built at the “Boat School” in Lubec in 1973.Reading L. Francis’ Compleat Cruiser fleshed out the story behind this wonderful craft.It’s fitting that coming to writing about designs I return toContinueContinue reading “Boats I’d Like to Design: Canoe Yawl”

Boats I’d like to design

This was the title to a post on my home site. It evolved into Boats for Difficult Times. Its original impulse deserves an airing. A designer usually compiles a list of previous work. Then looks for potential clients to approach them, looking for boats they’d like to have. Sometimes, and I’ve done this quite aContinueContinue reading “Boats I’d like to design”


Our love of boats is like a dance. Designing them can also be a dance; an intimate involvement between designer and client. As with everything we do on the water, We’re in it together! We seek boats because they enrich our lives. The boat itself is not all of it. There’s the world it carriesContinueContinue reading “Welcome!”